Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here's to your lovely eyes


My primary motive in taking the Intensive Intermediate Japanese class at CCNY is to one day gain a mastery of the Japanese language both in daily conversation and in reading/writing. I would like nothing more than to be able to simply casually converse with friends in Japanese at the level of a native speaker. In addition, I hope to one day get the opportunity to be able to live in Japan, preferably in either Hiroshima, Osaka, Kyoto, or Tokyo (in that order) by the next 5 years. I would also like to study Zen Buddhism in Japan and experience temple life, which would eventually require me to attain near fluency in Japanese.

Last but not  least, by taking this class I'll be able to watch and understand fine Japanese programs such as the following English language instruction video (courtesy of FYI: the English phrases seen in the following video are EXTREMELY POTENT, use with caution, lol! Cheers!


  1. こんにちは。私も日本語がペラペラに話せたいです。そのビデオは、面白くて、アメリカに住んでいる日本人にとって役に立つと思います。

  2. へえ、何なのよこのビデオ! (笑) でも役に立ちそうだね。
